- Denying - "He's/she's not a compulsive gambler."
- Expecting the gambler to be rational.
- Expecting the gambler to control his/her gambling.
- Accepting blame.
- Gambling with the gambler.
- Justifying the gambling by agreeing with the rationalizations of the gambler. Her job puts her under so much pressure, etc.
- Keeping feelings inside.
- Avoiding problems - keeping the peace, believing lack of conflict makes a good marriage.
- Minimizing, It's not so bad", "Things will get better when....."
- Protecting - the image of the gambler; the gambler from pain; myself from pain.
- Avoiding by tranquilizing feelings with: tranquilizers, food, work, etc.
- Blaming, criticizing, lecturing.
- Taking over responsibilities or paying the gambler's bills/debts.
- Feeling superior - treating the gambler like a child.
- Controlling - "Let's skip the family reunion this year."
- Enduring - "This too shall pass."
- Waiting - "God will take care of it."